


윤현철Hyun C. Yoon

  • 소속 분자과학기술학과 / 응용화학생명공학과
  • 연구실혜강관 524호
  • 이메일 hcyoon@ajou.ac.kr / hcyoon@ajou.ac.kr
  • 내선번호2512


  • 바이오센서, 체외진단 바이오칩, 랩온어칩


  • 2000.08 한국과학기술원 박사
  • 1996.02 한국과학기술원 석사
  • 1994.02 한국과학기술원 학사


    한국과학기술원 포스트닥
    한국전자통신연구원 원천기술연구소 선임연구원
    한국바이오칩학회 부회장
    삼성전자미래기술육성센터 바이오메디컬 분과위원장
    Biosensors and Bioelectronics 부편집장


  • [논문] Duc Long Nguyen, Pham Thi Minh Huyen, 김효섭, 양은경, 김재호, 박현지, 윤현철, A novel and cost‑effective method for high‑throughput 3D culturing and rhythmic assessment of hiPSC‑derived cardiomyocytes using retroreflective Janus microparticles, BIOMATERIALS RESEARCH, pp. 27-79 (8월, 2023)
  • [논문] 김가람, 이경원, 한용덕, 윤현철, Retroreflection-based optical biosensing: From concept to applications, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, pp. 114202-114202 (7월, 2022)
  • [논문] 김가람, 김은석, 윤현진, 이경원, 이단비, 전형진, 윤현철, Retroreflection-based sandwich type affinity sensing of isothermal gene amplification products for foodborne pathogen detection, ANALYST, pp. 450-460 (2월, 2022)
  • [논문] 김가람, 김재호, 이경원, 이단비, 전형진, 윤현철, Wash-free operation of smartphone-integrated optical immunosensor using retroreflective microparticles, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, Vol.196, No.1, pp. 113722-113722 (1월, 2022)
  • [논문] 김가람, 이경원, 전형진, 정관영, 이국녕, 홍동기, 윤현철, Time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based lateral flow immunoassay using a raspberry-type europium particle and a single membrane for the detection of cardiac troponin I, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, pp. 112284-112284 (9월, 2020)


아래 탭을 클릭하여 상세내용 확인바랍니다. (Please click on the tab for more information)

  • [논문] 김희은, 김신아, 김영훈, 윤현철, 이소연, 주현진, 최상돈, 김문석, Hak Soo Choi, Amplifying endogenous stem cell migration for in situ bone tissue formation: Substance P analog and BMP mimetic peptide-loaded click-crosslinked hyaluronic acid hydrogel, Materials Today Bio, pp. 101070-101070 (6월, 2024)
  • [논문] 조정익, 송혜민, 윤현철, 윤현진, Rapid Dot-Blot Immunoassay for Detecting Multiple Salmonella enterica Serotypes, JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, pp. 1-9 (3월, 2024)
  • [논문] 김유선, 박현지, 권민지, 이경원, 유태현, 윤현철, Coupling hCG-based protease sensors with a commercial pregnancy test strip for simple analyses of protease activities, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, Vol.235, pp. 115364-115364 (9월, 2023)
  • [논문] Duc Long Nguyen, Pham Thi Minh Huyen, 김효섭, 양은경, 김재호, 박현지, 윤현철, A novel and cost‑effective method for high‑throughput 3D culturing and rhythmic assessment of hiPSC‑derived cardiomyocytes using retroreflective Janus microparticles, BIOMATERIALS RESEARCH, pp. 27-79 (8월, 2023)
  • [논문] 김현기, 이경원, Sungmin Lee, 김은수, 김형모, Hyungsoon Im, 김은하, 윤현철, JeongGil Ko, Indolizine-based fluorescent compounds array for noninvasive monitoring of glucose in bio-fluids using on-device machine learning, DYES AND PIGMENTS, pp. 111287-111287 (7월, 2023)
  • [논문] 박은혜, 양은경, 오유정, 이경원, 정관영, 윤현철, Immunogenicity Monitoring Cell Chip Incorporating Finger‑Actuated Microfuidic and Colorimetric Paper‑Based Analytical Functions, BioChip Journal, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 329-339 (6월, 2023)
  • [논문] 김가람, 이경원, 한용덕, 윤현철, Retroreflection-based optical biosensing: From concept to applications, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, pp. 114202-114202 (7월, 2022)
  • [논문] 김가람, 김은석, 윤현진, 이경원, 이단비, 전형진, 윤현철, Retroreflection-based sandwich type affinity sensing of isothermal gene amplification products for foodborne pathogen detection, ANALYST, pp. 450-460 (2월, 2022)
  • [논문] 김가람, 김재호, 이경원, 이단비, 전형진, 윤현철, Wash-free operation of smartphone-integrated optical immunosensor using retroreflective microparticles, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, Vol.196, No.1, pp. 113722-113722 (1월, 2022)
  • [논문] 김가람, 김문석, 김재호, 이경원, 이단비, 정관영, 윤현철, Nonspectroscopic Migratory Cell Monitoring Method Using Retroreflective Janus Microparticles, ACS OMEGA, Vol.38, pp. 24790-24798 (9월, 2020)
  • [논문] 김가람, 이경원, 전형진, 정관영, 이국녕, 홍동기, 윤현철, Time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based lateral flow immunoassay using a raspberry-type europium particle and a single membrane for the detection of cardiac troponin I, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, pp. 112284-112284 (9월, 2020)
  • [논문] 유예찬, 이경원, 장요한, 전형진, 한용덕, 윤현철, Instrumentation-free semiquantitative immunoanalysis using a specially patterned lateral flow assay device, BIOSENSORS, Vol.8, pp. 87-87 (7월, 2020)
  • [논문] 전형진, 한용덕, 윤현철, Low-cost Point-of-Care Biosensors Using Common Electronic Components as Transducers, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.1, pp. 32-47 (3월, 2020)
  • [논문] 김가람, 김재호, 이경원, 전형진, 정관영, 윤현철, Wash-free non-spectroscopic optical immunoassay by controlling retroreflective microparticle movement in a microfluidic chip, LAB ON A CHIP, Vol.23, pp. 3931-3942 (12월, 2019)
  • [논문] 김새미, 이경원, 전형진, 윤현철, Smartphone-integrated urinary CTX-II immunosensor based on wavelength filtering from chromogenic reaction, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, pp. 111932-111932 (11월, 2019)
  • [논문] 김동우, 김재호, 윤현진, 전형진, 윤현철, A non‑spectroscopic optical biosensor for the detection of pathogenic Salmonella Typhimurium based on a stem‑loop DNA probe and retro‑reflective signaling, NANO CONVERGENCE, No.1, pp. 16-16 (5월, 2019)
  • [논문] 김가람, 김성옥, 김재호, 윤현진, 전형진, 한용덕, 윤현철, Salmonella Typhimurium Sensing Strategy Based on the Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Using Retroreflective Janus Particle as a Nonspectroscopic Signaling Probe, ACS SENSORS , Vol.11, pp. 2261-2268 (10월, 2018)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 한용덕, 김한빛, 박찬용, 이진기, 박성수, Double-sided 3D printing on paper towards mass production of three-dimensional paper-based microfluidic analytical devices (3D-μPADs), LAB ON A CHIP, pp. 1533-1538 (5월, 2018)
  • [논문] 김가람, 김동우, 김새미, 김재호, 김효섭, 전형진, 한용덕, 윤현철, Water-soluble mercury ion sensing based on the thymine-Hg2+-thymine base pair using retroreflective Janus particle as an optical signaling probe, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, pp. 138-144 (5월, 2018)
  • [논문] 김가람, 박유민, 전형진, 한용덕, 이석재, 윤현철, An Optical Biosensing Strategy Based on Selective Light Absorption and Wavelength Filtering from Chromogenic Reaction, MATERIALS, Vol.3, pp. 388-388 (3월, 2018)
  • [논문] 김가람, 이경원, 전형진, 한용덕, 이국녕, 홍동기, 윤현철, Encapsulation-stabilized, europium containing nanoparticle as a probe for time-resolved luminescence detection of cardiac troponin I, Biosensors, Vol.7, No.4, pp. 48-48 (10월, 2017)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 한용덕, 김상욱, 박석한, 이대식, 이재은, 정문연, 정후영, 최성율, Selective protein transport through ultra-thin suspended reduced graphene oxide nanopores, NANOSCALE, Vol.9, No.36, pp. 13457-13464 (9월, 2017)
  • [논문] 김가람, 박유민, 한용덕, 구윤희, 송승연, 양용주, 이강선, 윤현철, Boronate-functionalized hydrogel as a novel biosensing interface for the glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) based on the competitive binding with signaling glycoprotein, Materials Science and Engineering C, Vol.77, pp. 1160-1169 (8월, 2017)
  • [논문] 박유민, 전형진, 한용덕, 윤현철, Ambient light-based optical biosensing platform with smartphone-embedded illumination sensor, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, Vol.93, pp. 205-211 (7월, 2017)
  • [논문] ZHANG CUNQIANG, 박유민, 양도경, 유태현, 윤현철, Development of a Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) Biosensing System by Integrating an Enzyme-mediated Color Development Reaction into a Common Electronics Components Setup, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.10, No.3, pp. 198-207 (9월, 2016)
  • [논문] 임성현, 김가람, 박유민, 윤재호, 홍정우, 윤현철, An animal cell culture monitoring system using a smartphone-mountable paper-based analytical device, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, pp. 166-173 (6월, 2016)
  • [논문] 한용덕, 김재호, 김효섭, 박유민, 전형진, 윤현철, Retroreflective Janus microparticle as a nonspectroscopic optical immunosensing probe, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, pp. 10767-10774 (5월, 2016)
  • [논문] 박유민, 전형진, 한용덕, 윤현철, A low-cost optical transducer utilizing common electronics components for the gold nanoparticle-based immunosensing application, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, Vol.220, pp. 233-242 (12월, 2015)
  • [논문] ZHANG CUNQIANG, 김가람, 박유민, 한용덕, 윤현철, An immunoblot-based optical biosensor for screening of osteoarthritis using a smartphone-embedded illuminometer, ANALYTICAL METHODS, Vol.7, No.15, pp. 6437-6442 (8월, 2015)
  • [논문] 김수진, 민병현, 박유민, 양상식, 이기정, 윤현철, Detection of CTX-II in serum and urine to diagnose osteoarthritis by using a fluoro-microbeads guiding chip, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, Vol.67, pp. 192-199 (5월, 2015)
  • [논문] 한용덕, 전형진, 윤현철, The transformation of common office supplies into a low-cost optical biosensing platform, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, Vol.59, pp. 259-268 (9월, 2014)
  • [논문] 박유민, 장요한, 전형진, 한용덕, 윤현철, Paper-based Glucose Biosensing System Utilizing a Smartphone as a Signal Reader, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.8, No.3, pp. 218-226 (9월, 2014)
  • [논문] 정치용, 윤재호, 한용덕, 윤현철, Bioelectrocatalytic sensor for triglycerides in human skin sebum based on enzymatic cascade reaction of lipase, glycerol kinase and glycerophosphate oxidase, JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol.175, pp. 7-14 (4월, 2014)
  • [논문] 장요한, 한용덕, 윤현철, Cascadic Multienzyme Reaction-Based Electrochemical Biosensors, ADVANCES IN BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING / BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol.140, pp. 221-251 (1월, 2014)
  • [논문] 김수진, 민병현, 박유민, 이대식, 윤현철, Optical immunosensor for quantifying C-telopeptide fragments of type II collagen as an osteoarthritis biomarker in urine, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.7, No.4, pp. 399-407 (12월, 2013)
  • [논문] 윤재호, 이평천, 한용덕, 윤현철, Lysostaphin-mediated fragmentation of microbial peptidoglycans for label-free electrochemical impedance immunoanalysis of Staphylococcus aureus, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.7, No.4, pp. 344-352 (12월, 2013)
  • [논문] 박유민, 김강일, 김수진, 양상식, 한용덕, 윤현철, Lectin-based optical sensing for quantitative analysis of cancer antigen CA15-3 as a breast cancer marker, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, Vol.186, pp. 571-579 (9월, 2013)
  • [논문] 김강일, 박유민, 윤현철, 양상식, A micro fluidic platform with a flow-balanced fluidic network for osteoarthritis diagnosis, PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Vol.8774, pp. 877410-1-877410-7 (4월, 2013)
  • [논문] 민병현, 박유민, 장요한, 홍성엽, 윤현철, Quantitative lateral-flow immunoassay for the assessment of the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein as a marker of osteoarthritis, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.3, pp. 213-220 (9월, 2012)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 한용덕, 이대식, 이병기, 최동훈, 최선진, 윤준보, Use of a columnar metal thin film as a nanosieve with sub-10 nm pores, ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol.32, pp. 4408-4413 (8월, 2012)
  • [논문] 이준희, 정치용, 한용덕, 이대식, 윤현철, Microchip-based organophosphorus detection using bienzyme bioelectrocatalysis, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol.6, No.2, pp. 06FK01-1-06FK01-7 (6월, 2012)
  • [논문] 박유민, 정치용, 한용덕, 구윤희, 김무섭, 송승연, 양용주, 윤현철, Bioelectrocatalytic detection of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) based on the competitive binding of target and signaling glycoproteins to a boronate-modified surface, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, pp. 355-362 (5월, 2012)
  • [논문] 이대식, 윤현철, 한용덕, 쇼지 슈이치, 정문연, 최요한, Construction of membrane sieves using stoichiometric and stress-reduced Si3N4/SiO2/Si3N4 multilayer films and their applications in blood plasma separation, ETRI JOURNAL, Vol.2, pp. 226-234 (4월, 2012)
  • [논문] 김강일, 민병현, 송승연, 양상식, 한용덕, 홍성엽, 윤현철, Chip-based cartilage oligomeric matrix protein detection in serum and synovial fluid for osteoarthritis diagnosis, ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, pp. 139-146 (1월, 2012)
  • [논문] 송태현, 송승연, 윤현철, 이기근, Development of a Wireless Love Wave Biosensor Platform for Multi-functional Detection, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, pp. 06GL09-1-06GL09-6 (6월, 2011)
  • [논문] 김강일, 송승연, 양상식, 한용덕, 윤현철, A fluoro-microbead guiding chip for simple and quantifiable immunoassay of cardiac troponin I (cTnI), BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, Vol.26, No.9, pp. 3818-3824 (5월, 2011)
  • [논문] 송승연, 이준황, 한용덕, 이대식, 윤현철, Multienzyme-modified biosensing surface for the electrochemical analysis of aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase in human plasma, ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol.400, pp. 797-805 (5월, 2011)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 송현우, 정광효, 정문연, 이대식, Microfabrication of SiN Membrane Nanosieve Using Anisotropic Reactive Ion Etching (ARIE) with an Ar/CF4 Gas Flow, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, Vol.11, No.5, pp. 4511-4516 (5월, 2011)
  • [논문] 배송이, 김슬기, 김재호, 윤현철, 황희진, 김현경, 김두헌, 이상윤, Amyloid formation and disaggregation of α-synuclein and its tandem repeat (α-TR), BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, pp. 531-536 (10월, 2010)
  • [논문] 김두헌, 송승연, 이준희, 한용덕, 윤현철, Biosensor for organophosphorus pesticides based on the acetylcholine esterase inhibition mediated by choline oxidase bioelectrocatalysis, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.4, No.3, pp. 223-229 (9월, 2010)
  • [논문] 손서영, 한용덕, 이경희, 윤현철, Electrochemical assay for glycated hemoglobin based on the magnetic particle-supported concentration coupled to boronate-diol interactions, BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol.31, No.7, pp. 2103-2106 (7월, 2010)
  • [논문] 김은중, 송승연, 이분열, 윤현철, Determination of glycated hemoglobin on the basis of spectral shifting from protein-dye interaction, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 16-21 (3월, 2010)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 이준황, Fu, Luo, Mine, 맹성렬, 박선희, 이대식, 정문연, A Surface Acoustic Wave-Based Immunosensing Device Using a Nanocrystalline ZnO Film on Si, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol.9, No.12, pp. 7181-7185 (12월, 2009)
  • [논문] 이대식, 윤현철, 신용범, 정문연, 최요한, A Self-contained Microfluidic Platform Combining Pumps and Valves for Biochemical Applications, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.3, No.3, pp. 230-236 (9월, 2009)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 손서영, Zinc Ion-Mediated Concentration of Glycated Hemoglobin for Electrochemical Biosensing, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.3, No.2, pp. 164-170 (6월, 2009)
  • [논문] 이기근, 양상식, 오해관, 윤현철, 왕웬, Wirelessly driven and battery-free Love Wave biosensor based on Dinitrophenyl immobilization, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.48, No.6, pp. 06FJ05-1-06FJ05-7 (6월, 2009)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 송승연, Boronic acid-modified thin film interface for specific binding of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and electrochemical biosensing, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, Vol.140, No.1, pp. 233-239 (6월, 2009)
  • [논문] 양상식, 김강일, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, An electrochemical immunosensing lab-on-a-chip integrated with latch mechanism for hand operation, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.19-2, No.025024, pp. 1-11 (2월, 2009)
  • [논문] 양상식, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, 김병우, 심상준, 채희엽, Fabrication and testing of a PDMS multi-stacked Hand-operated LOC for use in portable immunosensing systems, Biomedical Microdevices, Vol.10, No.6, pp. 859-868 (12월, 2008)
  • [논문] 박현규, 윤현철, 신성철, 원병연, 이동욱, 이수석, 조대연, A DNA intercalation-based electrochemical method for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis utilizing peroxidase-catalyzed signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol.24, No.1, pp. 665-669 (11월, 2008)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 손서영, Electrochemical Analysis of Glycated Hemoglobin Based on the Biospecificity and Electron-Transferring Capability of Ferroceneboronic Acid, Biochip Journal, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 116-122 (6월, 2008)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 홍정우, 정광효, Fluorescence affinity sensing by using a self-contained fluid manoeuvring microfluidic chip, Analyst, Vol.133, No.4, pp. 499-504 (4월, 2008)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 이분열, 최형길, 이대식, 정광효, Fabrication of an integrated microfluidic device based on a heat-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) polymer and micromachining protocols for programmed biomolecular patterning, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol.130, No.1, pp. 150-157 (3월, 2008)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 송승연, 최형길, 홍정우, 김병우, 심상준, Selective antigen-antibody recognition on SPR sensor based on the heat-sensitive conformational change of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol.313-314, No.1, pp. 504-508 (2월, 2008)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 양상식, 이준황, 김병우, 심상준, 채희엽, Electrochemical immunosensor signaling by employing enzyme-tagged antibody for the determination of antigen or antibody under single competition reaction format, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol.313-314, No.1, pp. 509-514 (2월, 2008)
  • [논문] 박현규, 윤현철, 원병연, Enzyme-catalyzed signal amplification for electrochemical DNA detection with a PNA-modified electrode, Analyst, Vol.133, No.1, pp. 100-104 (1월, 2008)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 이분열, 이대식, 정광효, 최형길, 표현봉, A temperature-controllable microelectrode and its application to protein immobilization, ETRI Journal, Vol.29, No.5, pp. 667-669 (10월, 2007)
  • [논문] 채희엽, 양상식, 윤현철, 김병우, 김치중, 류중한, 심상준, Microfluidic dialysis device fabrication for protein solution enrichment and its enrichment enhancement by plasma surface treatment of a membrane, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol.51, No.3, pp. 993-999 (9월, 2007)
  • [논문] 김두헌, 김승범, 유연우, 윤현철, 김경규, 주상범, Purification, crystallization, and preliminary crystallographic Analysis of Est25:a ketoprofen-specific hormone-sensitive-lipase, Acta Cryst. Sect. F : Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, Vol.63, No.7, pp. 579-581 (7월, 2007)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 홍정우, 이대식, 정광효, Microfluidic chip accomplishing self-fluid replacement using only capillary force and its bioanalytical application, Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol.585, No.1, pp. 1-10 (2월, 2007)
  • [논문] 김병우, 양상식, 윤현철, 박재숙, 심상준, 임성혁, 채희엽, Enhancement of sensitivity in interferometric biosensing by using a new biolinker and prebinding antibody, Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, Vol.16, No.12, pp. 1968-1976 (12월, 2006)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 전성일, 홍정우, A new immunosensing method by galactose oxidase-mediated electrocatalysis using a virtual beaker array, Biotechnology Letter, Vol.28, pp. 1401-1408 (9월, 2006)
  • [논문] 심상준, 양상식, 윤현철, 김병우, 김준표, 채희엽, 카오쿠옹, A strategy for sensitivity and specificity enhancements in prostate specific antigen-α1-antichymotrypsin detection based on surface plasmon resonance, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol.21, No.1, pp. 2106-2113 (5월, 2006)
  • [논문] 김학성, 윤현철, 남성훈, 오은규, 이도훈, 홍미영, Inhibition assay of biomolecules based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between quantum dots and gold nanoparticles, J.Am.Chem.Soc., Vol.127, No.1, pp. 3270-3271 (3월, 2005)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 김공환, 변상요, 원병연, 최형길, 김학성, Bioelectrocatalytic signaling from immunosensors with back-filling immobilization of glucose oxidase on biorecognition surfaces, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol.89, No.7, pp. 815-821 (3월, 2005)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 김민곤, 신용범, 표현봉, Multichannel surface plasmon resonance imaging and analysis of micropatterned self-assembled monolayers and protein affinity interactions, Langmuir, Vol.21, No.1, pp. 166-171 (1월, 2005)
  • [논문] 변상요, 윤현철, 이건원, Inhibitory effect of Eucommia ulmoides Oliver on adipogenic differentiation through proteome analysis, Enzyme and microbial technology, Vol.35, pp. 632-638 (11월, 2004)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 변상요, 양해식, Ferritin immunosensing on microfabricated electrodes based on the integration of immunoprecipitation and electrochemical signaling reactions, Analytical Sciences, Vol.20, No.9, pp. 1249-1253 (9월, 2004)
  • [논문] 이대식, 윤현철, 고종수, Fabrication and characterization of a bidirectional valveless peristaltic micropump and its application to a flow-type immunoanalysis, Sensors and actuators B, Vol.103, No.1, pp. 409-415 (9월, 2004)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 김학성, Bioelectrocatalyzed signal amplification for affinity interactions at chemically modified electrodes, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, Vol.9, No.2, pp. 107-111 (5월, 2004)
  • [논문] 김학성, 윤현철, 이도훈, 홍미영, Patterning biological molecules onto poly(amidoamine) dendrimer on gold and glass, Bull. Korean. Chem. Soc., Vol.24, No.8, pp. 1197-1202 (8월, 2003)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 고종수, 김성진, 김연태, 양해식, 정광효, 표현봉, A polymer-based microfluidic device for immunosensing biochips, Lab on a Chip (영국화학회), Vol.3, No.2, pp. 106-113 (5월, 2003)
  • [논문] 김학성, 윤현철, 홍미영, Protein-ligand interactions at poly(amidoamine) dendrimer monolayers on gold, Langmuir, Vol.19, No.2, pp. 416-421 (1월, 2003)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 이준황, 최형길, 이대식, Development of Electrochemical Biosensing Surfaces Based on the Heat-sensitive Structural Transition of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), Biochip Journal, Vol.1, No.4, pp. 253-261 (12월, 2007)
  • [논문] 양상식, 강태호, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, 휴대용 POC 시스템을 위한 원터치형 면역 센싱 랩온어칩, Trans. KIEE, Vol.56, No.8, pp. 1424-1429 (8월, 2007)
  • [논문] 양상식, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, A Smart Bioelectrocatalytic lmmunosensing Lab-on-a-chip for Portable Diagnostic Application, BIOCHIP JOURNAL, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 35-42 (3월, 2007)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 이준황, 원병연, Evaluation of signal stability from electrochemical immunoanalysis based on the enzyme 'back-filling' immobilization to biorecognition interfaces, Biochip Journal, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 49-56 (3월, 2007)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 이준황, Nano-biosensor technology based on the lab-on-a-chip approach, 공업화학전망, Vol.9, No.2, pp. 32-41 (4월, 2006)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 최형길, 이승원, 홍은경, Integration of immunohistochemical reactions into electrochemical and optical analyses of biochips, 한국생물공학회지, Vol.20, No.2, pp. 123-128 (8월, 2005)
  • [논문] 윤현철, 최형길, 면역센싱의 고도화를 위한 나노-바이오기술의 적용, 전자공학회지, Vol.32, No.8, pp. 52-61 (8월, 2005)
  • [논문] 표현봉, 윤현철, 김윤태, 신용범, 양해식, 표면 플라즈몬 현미경을 이용한 자기조립 단분자막의 이미징, 한국광학회지, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 97-102 (2월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Nonspectroscopic Optical Biosensing Platform using Retroreflective Janus Microparticles, The 31st Frontier Scientists Workshop, (12월, 2020)
  • [학술회의] 김재호, 김민지, 김효섭, 박근영, 박재강, 윤현철, 전형진, large scale fabrication of sensing materials and applications for POCT devices, The 13th asian conference on chemical sensors 2019, (12월, 2019)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Nonspectroscopic optical immunosensing platform using retroreflective janus microparticle, Nano Korea 2017, (7월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 이경원, 전형진, 한용덕, RETROREFLECTION-BASED NONSPECTROSCOPIC OPTICAL IMMUNOSENSING PLATFORM USING RETROREFLECTIVE JANUS PARTICLE, The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Semsors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS'17), (6월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 이경원, 전형진, 한용덕, REASSEMBLING SMARTPHONE WITH LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY PANEL INTO A NEW OPTICAL TRANSDUCER FOR POINT-OF-CARE SENSING APPLICATION, The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Semsors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS'17), (6월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 전형진, 한용덕, Smartphone-associated Optical Sensing Platform by Employing Chromogenic Light Interference, 2017 Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging & Spectroscopy, (2월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 전형진, 한용덕, Retroreflective janus microparticle as an optical signaling probe for nonspectroscopic affinity biosensing, 2017 Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging & Spectroscopy, (2월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 전형진, 한용덕, 이국녕, 이민호, 홍동기, Highly Sensitive Time-resolved Fluorescence Immunosensing Platform for Cardiac Troponin I Detection, 2017 Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging & Spectroscopy, (2월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Nonspectroscopic biosensing approach using retroreflective janus microparticles, 2017 Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging & Spectroscopy, (2월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 전형진, 윤현철, ZHANG CUNQIANG, 김태훈, 한용덕, See your health status through smartphone: an optical biosensing system based on chromogenic light interference, 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회, (10월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 박유민, 윤현철, ZHANG CUNQIANG, 이경원, 임성현, Introduction of smartphone-embedded illuminometer as a signal transducer for the ambient light-operable optical immunosensing system, 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회, (10월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 김가람, 윤현철, ZHANG CUNQIANG, 이경원, 이국녕, 이민호, 홍동기, Development of novel europium(Eu3+) chelates-encapsulated nanoparticle as a signaling probe for the time-resolved fluorescence immunosensor, 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회, (10월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 김가람, 윤현철, 전형진, 이국녕, 이민호, 홍동기, A novel europium-encapsulated nanoparticle for time-resolved fluorescence immunosensor signaling, The 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, (10월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 전형진, 윤현철, 김가람, 한용덕, An optical biosensing platform based on the light interference and wavelength filtering from chromogenic reactions, The 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Vol.1, No.1, (10월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 박유민, 윤현철, ZHANG CUNQIANG, 김가람, Smartphone-based intuitive optical biosensor by integrating the ambient light with smartphone-embedded illumination sensor for reliable assessment of uCTX-II , Biosensors 2016, (5월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 전형진, 윤현철, 임성현, 한용덕, Utilizing light interference phenomena for the development of intuitive optical biosensing, Biosensors 2016, (5월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 김가람, 윤현철, 박유민, 임성현, High photostable optical probe for cTnI evaluation by utilizing novel europium nanoparticle, 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술대회, (5월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 전형진, 윤현철, 한용덕, Smartphone-based intuitive optical transducing by utilizing light interference phoenomena, 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술대회, (5월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 박유민, 임성현, 한용덕, 윤재호, 홍정우, Paper-based Analytical Device (PAD) for the easy-to-use monitoring of animal cell culture, Micro TAS, pp. 1329-1331 (10월, 2015)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박유민, 전형진, 한용덕, Implantation of enzymatic colorimetry to a low-cost optical biosensing platform utilizing common electronics components, The 13th CSK joint symposium on enzyme engineering, pp. 1-1 (11월, 2014)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 윤재호, 한용덕, Impedance immunosensor for Staphylococcus aureus by applying a signal amplification strategy using genus specific peptidoglycan-lytic lysostaphin, Biosensors 2014, pp. 174-174 (5월, 2014)
  • [학술회의] 한용덕, 윤현철, 장요한, An optical biosensing platform using common electronics components only, Micro TAS 2013, (10월, 2013)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Bioanalytical system for comprehensive and simultaneous determination of osteoarthritis biomarkers in various human body fluids, ICMAT 2013, (7월, 2013)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박유민, 장요한, 한용덕, Paper chromatographic separation and analysis of an osteoarthritis marker protein, SBCN 2012, (10월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박유민, 한용덕, Lectin-based affinity separation and analysis of CA15-3 protein as a breast cancer marker using fluoro-microbead guiding chip (FMGC), SBCN 2012 , (10월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박유민, 송승연, 정치용, 한용덕, Zinc-mediated separation of hemoglobin from human blood and electrochemical sensing of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) for diabetes diagnosis and control, SBCN 2012, (10월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 민병현, 박유민, 장요한, 홍성엽, A quantitative lateral flow immunoassay for the determination of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein as a marker of osteoarthritis, IBS 2012, (9월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 정치용, 한용덕, 이대식, Bi-enzyme bioelectrocatalysis in a microfluidic chip for organophosphorus analysis, Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium on enzyme engineering, (5월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김강일, 박유민, 양상식, 한용덕, Optical detection of tumor markers having aberrant glycan-expression using antibody-lectin sandwich assay, Europtrode 2012, (4월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김강일, 민병현, 박유민, 양상식, 장요한, 한용덕, Osteoarthritis biosensing using fluorescence-based cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (comp) detection with human real samples, Europtrode 2012, (4월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김강일, 박유민, 양상식, 장요한, 정치용, 한용덕, Microfabricated multichannel affinity-sensing chip for verification and quantification of cancer marker proteins containing aberrant glycan chains, IEEE-Nanomed 2011, (11월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Fluoro-microbeads guiding chip for proteins immunoassay at minute concentrations in real human samples, ACC 2011, (9월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 송태현, 이기근, 송승연, 윤현철, A wireless love wave biosensor platform for simultaneousdetections of two different biomolecules, International conference on solid state sensors, actuators and microsystems (Transducers 2011), Vol.1, No.1, pp. 2231-2234 (6월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 송태현, 이기근, 남민우, 송승연, 윤현철, A novel wireless love wave biosensor platform for multi-functional detection, SPIE Photonics West MOEMS-MEMS, Vol.1, No.1, (1월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준희, 이대식, Biosensor for organophosphorus pesticides based on bienzymatic electrocatalysis in ferrocene-modified polylysine matrix, IEEE-Nanomed 2010, pp. 1-2 (12월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박유민, 송승연, 한용덕, Blood pretreatment and electrochemical biosensing for a facile determination of human glycated hemoglobin(HbA1C), IEEE-Nanomed 2010, pp. 1-2 (12월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 송태현, 이기근, 송승연, 윤현철, 임천배, Development of a Wireless Love Wave Biosensor Platform for Multi-functional Detection, International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (11월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박유민, 송승연, 한용덕, Bio-nanomaterials assembled surface for glycated protein (HbA1c) sensing, Biotronics2010, pp. 42-42 (10월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 손서영, 한용덕, 이경희, Magnetic Microparticle-supported Purification of Glycated Hemoglobin for Amplified Electrochemical Biosensing, IMCS-13, pp. 1-2 (7월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, 홍성엽, Electrochemical biosensing of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) based on the competitive binding of glycated proteins on a boronate-modified electrode surface, IMCS-13, pp. 1-2 (7월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 손서영, 한용덕, 이경희, Electrochemical assay for glycated hemoglobin based on a magnetic particle-supported concentration coupled to boronate-diol interaction , 21st IC ME&D, pp. 1-2 (5월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 손서영, 송승연, 홍성엽, Magnetic particle-supported concentration of glycated proteins for the amplified electrochemical biosensing, Asia Pacific Biochem. Eng. Conference, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. MN-P10-MN-P10 (11월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, 한용덕, Electrochemical detection of aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase using a multienzyme-modified biosensor, Asia Pacific Biochem. Eng. Conference, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. MN-P7-MN-P7 (11월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, Boronic acid-modified molecular interface for biospecific binding of HbA1c and electrochemical biosensing, Asia Pacific Biochem. Eng. Conference, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. MN-P9-MN-P9 (11월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, Development of a boronic acid-functionalized dendrimer layer for cTnI immunosensor, Asia Pacific Biochem. Eng. Conference, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. MN-P6-MN-P6 (11월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 이대식, 윤현철, 송현준, 정광효, 정문연, Microfabrication of SiN-SiO-SiN Nanosieve Membrane, IC ME&D, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. 89-89 (5월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 손서영, 윤호원, Magnetic particle (MP)-supported concentration and biosensing of glycated hemoglobin, IC ME&D, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. 66-66 (5월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, 한용덕, Biospecific molecular interface for electrochemical glycoprotein biosensing, IC ME&D, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. 65-65 (5월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, 손서영, 이준황, Biospecific interface using a temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) for optical and electrochemical biosensing, IUMRS-ICA 2008, Vol.1, No.1, pp. KP25-KP25 (12월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 이기근, Wang Wen, 양상식, 오해관, 윤현철, 이준황, A wireless immune-sensor using love wave mode, Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2008, Vol.2008, No.1, pp. 456-457 (10월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 양상식, 김강일, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, A One-touch Type Hand-operated LOC for the Bioelectrocatalytic Immunoassay using Backfilling Method, The 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (uTAS 2008, Vol.-, No.-, pp. 1746-1748 (10월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, 이준황, Biospecific Recognition Surfaces Based on the Heat-sensitive Transition of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) for SPR and Electrochemical Analysis, Macro 2008, Vol.42, No.1, pp. 1-2 (6월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 양상식, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, A Reliable Hand-Operated LOC for the Portable Immunoassay, The 4th Asia Paific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies, Vol.-, No.-, pp. 220-220 (6월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, Boronic Acid-modified Molecular Interface for the Electrochemical Analysis of Glycated Hemoglobin, ME&D 2008, Vol.19, No.1, pp. 226-226 (5월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, Fu, Luo, Milne, 맹승렬, 이대식, 정문연, Fabrication and Characterization of a SAW-based micro biodetector by employing piezoelectric ZnO thin film layer grown on silicon wafer, ME&D 2008, Vol.19, No.1, pp. 238-238 (5월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 홍정우, 이대식, 정광효, Immunoanalytical Applications of Capillary Force Driven Self-Washing Microfluidic Device, SICC/APCE, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 1-1 (12월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Choi, Du, Flewitt, Fu, Kim, Luo, Maeng, Milne, Oh, Park, Tan, 이대식, Integrated ZnO Surface Acoustic Wave Microfluidic and Biosensor System, IEDM, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 851-854 (12월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, 홍정우, 정광효, Immunosensing and separation by of Capillary Force Driven Self-Washing Microfluidic Device, Asianalysis 9, Vol.9, No.1, pp. 130-130 (11월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, 손서영, 송승연, Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) Biosensor Using Boronic Acid-Modified Surface and Bioelectrocatalysis, Apbiochec 07, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 382-382 (11월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, 이평천, 홍정우, 정광효, Immunoanalytical Applications of Self-Fluid Replacing Microfluidic Chip, Apbiochec 07, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 383-383 (11월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, 손서영, 송승연, Electroanalysis of Glycoproteins Using Ferrocene-Boronic Acid, Asisanalysis 9, Vol.9, No.1, pp. 168-168 (11월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, 손서영, 송승연, Electrochemical Biosensor for Glycated Haemoglobin Using a Boronic Acid (BA-SAM)-Modified Electrode, Asianalysis 9, Vol.9, No.1, pp. 149-149 (11월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, 이대식, 정광효, 정문연, 표현봉, CONTROLLED PATTERNINGS OF THE TARGET PROTEINS BASED ON THE STRUCTURAL TRANSITION OF A HEAT-SENSITIVE POLYMER, Micro TAS 2007, Vol.2007, No.1, pp. 218-220 (10월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, 이준황, 이대식, Microsystem using a heat-sensitive polymer interface for site-selective biomolecular immobilization and sensing, ICMAT 2007, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (7월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 홍정우, 정광효, Self fluid replacement microfluidic chip working by only capillary force and its immunoanalytical application, ICMAT 2007, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (7월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, 홍정우, 김병우, 정광효, 표현봉, Precipitation biosensor based on lab-chip accomplishing self-fluid replacements via capillary force, micro TAS 2006, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 341-343 (11월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, 송승연, 전성일, 최형길, Site selective antigen-antibody recognition on surface plasmon optical sensor surface based on the heat-sensitive conformational change of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), Asianano 2006, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 333-333 (11월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 손서영, 이준황, 홍정우, Electrochemical immunosensor signaling by employing enzyme-tagged-antibody for the determination of antigen or antibody under single competition reaction format, Asianano 2006, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 334-334 (11월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 이대식, 윤현철, 전성일, 정광효, 표현봉, Microfluidic device based on a heat-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) polymer for controlled patterning of enzymes, IMCS 11, Vol.11, pp. 229- (7월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 양상식, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, 임석희, A Smart Immunoassay for Portable Clinical Diagnostic System, APCOT 2006, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 127-127 (6월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이대식, 최형길, Controlled patterning of enzymes and antibodies on the MEMS device based on the heat-sensitive structural transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), ISE2006, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 64-64 (4월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, 전성일, GAO-catalyzed electrochemical immunosensing by using a virtual beaker array, ISE2006, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 166-166 (4월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 양상식, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, 임석희, 최형길, Disposable smart immunosensing biochip using a novel electrochemical signaling method, IEEE/NEMS, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-2 (1월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 박현규, 윤현철, 원병연, PNA-based electrochemical DNA detection system with enzymatically amplified signal, IEEE/NEMS, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-2 (1월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, 전성일, 최형길, 홍정우, Enhanced signal stability from electrochemical immunosensors by the back-filled enzymatic signaling method, Asianalysis 2005, Vol.8, No.1, pp. 252-252 (10월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 최형길, 이승원, Integration of histochemical and electrochemical reactions for the bioelectrocatalyzed signaling from immunosensors, Asianalysis 2005, Vol.8, No.1, pp. 143-143 (10월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 최형길, Modulation of bioelectrocatalytic signal from enzyme electrodes based on the heat-sensitive structural transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), ISE2005, Vol.56, No.1, pp. 173-173 (9월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김학성, 남성훈, 오은규, 이도훈, 홍미영, Sensing the specific biomolecular interactions based on the photoluminescence quenching of quantum dots by gold nanoparticles, APBioCheC 7, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 49-49 (5월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 원병연, 이준황, 전성일, 최형길, 박현규, Bioelectrocatalytic immunosensor signaling with enzyme back-filling on the biorecognition surface for enhanced sensitivity and stability, APBioChEC 7, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 050-050 (5월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Bio-electrocatalyzed signaling from immunosensors, The Annual meeting of nanoscience and technology, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 49-50 (11월, 2004)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김공환, 원병연, 최형길, 양해식, Electrochemical signaling by biocatalyzed precipitation: enabling crosstalk free signal generation from arrayed protein biochips, New Trends in Functional Proteomics & HUPO Initiatives, No.1, pp. 112-112 (3월, 2004)
  • [학술회의] 표현봉, 윤현철, 김민곤, 신용범, Multichannel surface imaging and analysis of self-assembled monolayers and proteins, Photonics East 2003, Vol.5261, No.19, pp. 1-6 (10월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 정광효, 윤현철, 고종수, 김성진, 김윤태, 양해식, 표현봉, Polymer-based microfluidic device for immunosensing LOC, uTAS2003, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 1-1 (10월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, Retroreflection-based optical biosensing approach for live-cell analysis, 제21차 한국조직공학 재생의학회 학술대회, (8월, 2020)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 김동우, 이경원, 전형진, A strategy of pathogen detection based on stem loop DNA interaction using retroreflective biosensing platform, 2017 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회, (11월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김동우, 김새미, 전형진, Detection of mercury ion based on thymine-Hg2+-thymine base pairing by using retroreflective biosensing platform, 2017 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회, (11월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 이경원, 전형진, An intuitive biosensing method by employing light interference from chromogenic reaction on smart handset device, 2017 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회, (11월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김재호, 박근영, 전형진, Application of retroreflective Janus microparticle as a signaling probe in the nonspectroscopic optical immunosensing of cardiac troponin I, 2017 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술대회, (5월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 이경원, 전형진, 한용덕, A novel colorimetric immunosensing strategy using color-filtering from the immunoaffinity-mediated aggregation of gold nanoparticle, 2017 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술대회, (5월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 이경원, 이국녕, 홍동기, Materialization of highly sensitive and novel europium chelate-encapsulated nanoparticle for time-resolved fluorescence-based cardiac troponin I immunosensing, 2017 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술대회, (5월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김가람, 전형진, 한용덕, An intuitive Optical Biosensing Strategy Based on the Light Interference Phenomena, 2015 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회, (11월, 2015)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, ZHANG CUNQIANG, 박유민, 전형진, 한용덕, Ambient LIght-based Optical Transducer by Employing the Smartphone-embedded Illumination Sensor, 2015 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회, (11월, 2015)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Low-cost Transducing Systems by Reassembling Common Electronics Components for Versatile Biosensing Applications, 한국바이오칩학회 2015동계 심포지엄, (2월, 2015)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 생물분리정제기법을 응용한 당화혈색소 분리, 바이오센싱과 당뇨관리, 한국바이오칩학회 2013 동계 심포지움, (2월, 2013)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김강일, 박유민, 양상식, 한용덕, Chip-based optical platform for the analysis of O-linked glycoprotein (CA15-3) using antibody-lectin sandwich assay, 한국바이오칩학회 추계학회, (10월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 윤재호, 정치용, 한용덕, Cascadic multienzyme reaction-based electrochemical sensing of sebum triglyceride, 한국바이오칩학회 추계학회, (10월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김수진, 박유민, 장요한, A semi-quantitative lateral flow immunoassay (SQ-LFI) for the detrmination of human cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) as a marker of osteroarthritis, 한국바이오칩학회 추계학회, (10월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김강일, 박유민, 양상식, 한용덕, Development of platform technology for verification and quantification of cancer marker protein containing aberrant glycan chains, 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학회, (5월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 정치용, 한용덕, Electrochemical analysis of triglyceride using a multienzyme-modified biosensing interface, 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학회, (5월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박유민, 장요한, 홍성엽, Human cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) analysis by using a semi-quantitative lateral flow immunoassay, 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학회, (5월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박유민, 이준희, 정치용, 한용덕, Microfluidic Chip-based Organophosphorus Detection Using Bienzyme Bioelectrocatalysis, 생물공학회, (10월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, 정치용, 홍성엽, Development of a semi-quantitative lateral flow immunoassay for an analysis of human cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in human synovial fluid, ISMM 2011-KBCS, (6월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김강일, 송승연, 양상식, 한용덕, A fluoro-micro beads counting platform for proteins immunoassay at minute concentrations in real human samples, ISMM 2011-KBCS, (6월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 송태현, 이기근, 윤현철, 한용덕, 광학적 면역센싱을 위한 bead-based microarray chip 제작, 한국 MEMS 학술대회, Vol.1, No.1, (4월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 홍성엽, A signal amplification strategy for electrochemical biosensor using gold nanoparticle-conjugated dendrimers, 바이오칩학회 2010 추계, pp. 223-223 (10월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준희, Electrochemical biosensor for organophosphorus pesticides using the bienzyme reaction of AChE/ChOx, 바이오칩 2010 추계, pp. 209-209 (10월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, Development of a fluorescent immunoassay method for detection of cardiac Troponin I, 바이오칩학회 2010춘계, pp. 1-1 (5월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 한용덕, Electrochemical detection of aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase using a multienzyme-modified biosensor, 바이오칩학회 2010춘계, pp. 1-1 (5월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 이대식, 윤현철, 송현우, 정문연, Ar/CF4 gas flow 를 이용한 비등방성 반응성 이온 식각 방법을 이용한 실리콘 질화막 멤브레인을 가지는 나노 sieve 구조체의 새로운 마이크로/나노 제작방법, 한국 MEMS 학술대회, pp. 371-372 (4월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Bioelectrocatalytic Sensing of Protein Affinity Interactions on MEMS, 대한화학회 학술발표회, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (10월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Glycated Hemoglobin Biosensing, 한국바이오칩학회, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. 133-133 (6월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 이대식, 윤현철, Fu, Luo, Milne, 맹성렬, 박내만, 정문연, Integrated ZnO surface acoustic wave microfluidic devices for biosensor systems, 한국멤스학술대회, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. 1-2 (4월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, Optical Biosensing of Glycated Proteins based on the Spectral Red-Shift from Protein-Dye Interaction, KBCS 2008 추계, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 191-191 (12월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, Development of a biosensing interface for the electrochemical detection of glycosylated hemoglobin, KBCS 2008 추계, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 198-198 (12월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 손서영, 윤호원, Magnetic Particle(MP)-mediated Concentration of Glycated Hemoglobin for the Amplified Electrochemical Signal Registration, KBCS 2008 추계, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 202-202 (12월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 양상식, 김강일, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, An Electrochemical Immunoassay LOC with a Latch Mechanism, 한국바이오칩학회 2008 춘계학술대회, Vol.-, No.-, pp. 319-319 (6월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 손서영, Electrochemical Analysis of Glycated Hemoglobin based on the Biospecificity and Electron-Transferring Capability of Ferrocenyl Boronic Acid, KBCS 08 춘계, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 254-254 (6월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, Optical Detection of Glycated Proteins based on the Chromic Shift of Azo-Boronic Acid Dye, KBCS 2008 춘계, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 248-248 (6월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 송승연, Boronic acid-functionalized self assembled monolayer interface for the electrochemical sensing of HbA1c, KBCS 2008 춘계, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 307-307 (6월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, 홍정우, Fluorescence affinity sensing by using a self-contained microfluidic chip, 한국생물공학회 2008 춘계, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 195-195 (4월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, 손서영, 송승연, Electrochemical Analysis of Glycated Hemoglobin, 한국생물공학회 2008 춘계, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 195-195 (4월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, 손서영, 송승연, Solution-Phase Ferrocenyl Boronic Acid for the Electrochemical Biosensing of Glycated Hemoglobin, 한국생물공학회 2008 춘계, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 195-195 (4월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 홍정우, 정광효, 자가 유체교환 미소유체제어소자를 이용한 다중측정 시스템 개발, KMEMS 2008, Vol.10, No.1, pp. 151-152 (4월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, 손서영, 송승연, Bioelectrocatalyzed signal generation by using competition reaction between glycated proteins on boronic acid-modified surface, 한국바이오칩학회 2007 추계학술대회, Vol.3, No.2, pp. 273-273 (10월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, 손서영, 송승연, Electrochemical biosensing of glycated haemoglobin using a chemically-modified electrode, 한국생물공학회, Vol.2007, No.1, pp. 1-1 (4월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 박현규, 윤현철, 원병연, Enzyme-catalyzed signal amplification for electrochemical DNA detection with a PNA-modified electrode, 한국생물공학회, Vol.2007, No.1, pp. 1-1 (4월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Microfluidic chip for biomolecular analysis and separation, 한국화학공학회, Vol.2007, No.1, pp. 1-1 (4월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 이대식, 윤현철, 이준황, 박선희, 정광효, 정문연, 웨이퍼 레벨으로 제작되는 열 제어부가 집적된 플라스틱 마이크로 소자 및 이를 이용하여 만들어지는 능동형 단백질 고정화 및 감지가 가능한 미세유체제어 시스템, 한국 MEMS 학술대회, Vol.9, No.1, pp. 1-4 (4월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 홍정우, 이대식, 정광효, 모세관력에 의한 자가세척 및 유체교환이 가능한 미소유체제어소자를 이용한 생체촉매반응 분석, 한국 MEMS 학술대회, Vol.9, No.1, pp. 1-4 (4월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 양상식, 강태호, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, PDMS 체크 밸브가 내장된 일회용 원터치형 랩온어칩, 제9회 한국 MEMS 학술대회 논문집, Vol.-, No.-, pp. 139-142 (4월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 홍정우, 정광효, Enzyme-catalyzed precipitation reaction on the capillary force induced self-fluid replacing chip: microbead application, 한국바이오칩학회 학술대회, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 259-259 (11월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 손서영, 이준황, 홍정우, Covalent tagging of enzyme to antibody and its application to electrochemical immunosensor development, 한국바이오칩학회, Vol.19, pp. 292- (6월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 양상식, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, Fabrication of a smart microchip for electrochemical immunosensing, 2006년 한국바이오칩학회 창립학술대회 및 심포지움, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 278-278 (6월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김은중, 송승연, 최형길, Selective antigen-antibody interaction on surface plasmon optical biosensors based on the conformational modulation of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) polymer, 한국바이오칩학회, Vol.19, pp. 315- (6월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Microfluidic device for selective protein recognition based on the heat responsive polymer-modified interface, 한국생물공학회, Vol.18, No.1, pp. 97-97 (5월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 손서영, 이준황, Electrocatalytic immunosensing based on the competition of enzyme-labeled antibody and target biomolecules, 한국생물공학회, Vol.18, No.1, pp. 201-201 (5월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, 홍정우, 정광효, Microfluidic chip accomplishing self-fluid replacements and application to bioanalysis, 한국생물공학회, Vol.18, No.1, pp. 203-203 (5월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 양상식, 박신욱, 윤현철, 이준황, 임석희, One-touch type valveless electrochemical immunosensing biochip, KMEMS2006, Vol.8, No.1, pp. 84-87 (4월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이대식, 정광효, 표현봉, Protein preparation microfluidic device based on the heat-sensitive structural transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) for controlled patterning of enzymes and antibodies, KMEMS 2006, Vol.8, No.1, pp. 13-16 (4월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박승열, 이준황, 전성일, 홍정우, Electrocatalytic immunosensing on a charge-selective monolayer, 한국생물공학회 추계학술회, Vol.17, No.2, pp. 762-763 (10월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박승열, 송승연, 이준황, 전성일, Label-free immunoanalysis with GAO bioelectrocatalysis by using virtual beaker array, 한국생물공학회 추계학술회의, Vol.17, No.2, pp. 765-766 (10월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Bioelectrocatalytic signaling from immunosensors, 단백질칩 연구회, 대한전기학회 17회 심포지엄, Vol.1, No.17, pp. 109-124 (8월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 박승열, 송승연, 이준황, 최형길, 홍정우, Selective immobilization of biomolecules on a heat-sensitive polymer-modified surface, 한국생물공학회05학술회의, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 472-472 (4월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, 임기정, 전성일, 한용덕, Amperometric determination of glycoproteins by bioelectrocatalysis with GAO, 한국생물공학회05학술회의, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 471-471 (4월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 이준황, 전성일, 최형길, 이승원, 표현봉, Integration of histochemical reactions into electrochemical and optical analyses of biochips, Symposium on biochip and nanomicro system, Vol.1, pp. 185-186 (12월, 2004)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 원병연, 이준황, 전성일, 최형길, Back filling immobilization of glucose oxidase on affinity surfaces as a bioelectrocatalytic signal amplifier, 한국생물공학회 2004 추계 학술회의, Vol.15, No.1, pp. 693-693 (10월, 2004)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 원병연, 최형길, 이승원, 홍은경, Enzyme mediated signal amplification for ELISA and its application to electrochemical detection, 한국생물공학회 2004 추계 학술회의, Vol.15, No.1, pp. 694-694 (10월, 2004)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김공환, 원병연, Electrochemical immunosensing on antigen functionalized surfaces with antobody-enzyme conjugates as signal generators, 한국생물공학회 2004 춘계학술회의, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 619-619 (4월, 2004)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 김학성, Direct or mediated electrochemical signal amplification for affinity biosensors, 2003 KSBB Fall, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 1-1 (10월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 정광효, 윤현철, 고종수, 김윤태, 양해식, 표현봉, Design of time-delaying valve using surface tension treatment and application to polymer microfluidic-chip, 제5회 한국 MEMS 학술대회, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 1-6 (5월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, Biochip technology for immunosensing: surface construction, signalling, and application, 한국생물공학회 춘계학술발표회, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 61-61 (4월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 윤현철, 신용범, 표현봉, 다채널 표면 플라즈몬 공명 영상장치를 이용한 자기조립 단분자막의 표면분석, 한국생물공학회 춘계학술발표회, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 74-77 (4월, 2003)
  • [저서] 윤현철, 김동우, 정관영, Ch 7. Smartphone-based medical diagnostics with microfluidic devices (Smartphone Based Medical Diagnostics, 1st Edn), pp. 103-128- (11월, 2019)

특허 및 기타

  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 전형진, 업컨버전 나노입자를 이용한 생체물질 분석용 광학 바이오센서, 및 이를 이용한 생체물질 정량 분석 방법, 특허, (등록) (12,007,327) (6월, 2024)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 박은혜, 양은경, 이경원, 이호연, 재귀반사 신호 분석식 균 검출 바이오센서 칩, 식품 병원성균 검출 칩, 재귀반사 신호 분석식 균 검출 방법 및 식품 병원성균 검출 방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2024/006152) (5월, 2024)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김재호, 전형진, 한용덕, 재귀반사 현상을 이용한 분자 비콘 기반의 광학 유전자 바이오센서 및 이를 이용한 핵산 분자의 정량 분석 방법, 특허, (등록) (11,913,064) (2월, 2024)
  • [특허] 윤현진, 송혜민, 윤현철, 조정익, 살모넬라 혈청형 동시 검출을 위한 신속 진단 조성물, 특허, (출원) (10-2023-0132428) (10월, 2023)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 김재호, 이경원, 재귀반사 신호 측정용 가젯, 특허, (출원) (18/276,320) (8월, 2023)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 김재호, 이경원, 재귀반사 신호 측정용 가젯, 특허, (등록) (10-2551560) (6월, 2023)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 박은혜, 양은경, 이경원, 이호연, 재귀반사 신호 분석식 균 검출 바이오센서 칩, 식품 병원성균 검출 칩, 재귀반사 신호 분석식 균 검출 방법 및 식품 병원성균 검출 방법, 특허, (출원) (10-2023-0081648) (6월, 2023)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 오유정, 윤현진, 이경원, 이단비, 진양원, 재귀반사 현상을 신호 원리로 이용한 분자 진단 방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2023/007247) (5월, 2023)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김재호, 한용덕, 바이오 센서용 광학 표지자, 이를 포함하는 광학 바이오센서 및 상기 바이오 센서용 광학 표지자의 제조방법, 특허, (출원) (18/181,066) (3월, 2023)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 김재호, 바이오 센서, 이의 제조방법 및 이를 이용한 분석방법, 특허, (출원) (18/007,348) (1월, 2023)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 정관영, 세포 배양이 가능한 세포 유래물 분석용 센서칩, 및 이를 이용한 세포 활성도 정량 분석 방법, 특허, (출원) (17/916,265) (9월, 2022)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 김재호, 바이오 센서, 이의 제조방법 및 이를 이용한 분석 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-2450943) (9월, 2022)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 정관영, 세포 배양이 가능한 세포 유래물 분석용 센서칩, 및 이를 이용한 세포 활성도 정량 분석 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-2408166) (6월, 2022)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 오유정, 윤현진, 이경원, 이단비, 진양원, 재귀반사 현상을 신호 원리로 이용한 분자 진단 방법, 특허, (출원) (10-2022-0064602) (5월, 2022)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 김재호, 이경원, 재귀반사 신호 측정용 가젯, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2022/002038) (2월, 2022)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 이경원, 측방 유동 분석 스트립 및 이를 이용한 분석 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-2363041) (2월, 2022)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 김재호, 전형진, 생체물질의 분석 방법, 특허, (출원) (17/604,010) (10월, 2021)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 김재호, 바이오 센서, 이의 제조방법 및 이를 이용한 분석 방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2021/009754) (7월, 2021)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 전형진, 업컨버전 나노입자를 이용한 생체물질 분석용 광학 바이오센서, 및 이를 이용한 생체물질 정량 분석 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-2267198) (6월, 2021)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 박유민, 한용덕, 당 검출용 센서와 이의 제조방법 및 이를 이용한 당화 혈색소 검출 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-2255158) (5월, 2021)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 정관영, 세포 배양이 가능한 세포 유래물 분석용 센서칩, 및 이를 이용한 세포 활성도 정량 분석 방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2021/002877) (3월, 2021)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 김재호, 전형진, 생체물질의 분석 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-2155218) (9월, 2020)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 김재호, 전형진, 생체물질의 분석 방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2019/016304) (1월, 2019)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김재호, 전형진, 한용덕, 재귀반사 현상을 이용한 분자 비콘 기반의 광학 유전자 바이오센서 및 이를 이용한 핵산 분자의 정량 분석 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-1935146) (12월, 2018)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 한용덕, 실란-란탄계 착물 복합체 및 자성 입자를 이용한 형광-자성 실리카 나노입자 및 이의 제조방법, 특허, (등록) (10-1905620) (10월, 2018)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 박유민, 전형진, 한용덕, 실란-란탄계 착물 복합체 및 가교반응을 이용한 형광 실리카 나노입자 및 이의 제조방법, 특허, (출원) (15/999,776) (8월, 2018)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김재호, 한용덕, 바이오 센서용 광학 표지자, 이를 포함하는 광학 바이오센서 및 상기 바이오 센서용 광학 표지자의 제조방법, 특허, (출원) (16/065,147) (6월, 2018)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김재호, 전형진, 한용덕, 재귀반사 현상을 이용한 분자 비콘 기반의 광학 유전자 바이오센서 및 이를 이용한 핵산 분자의 정량 분석 방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2018/002812) (3월, 2018)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 박유민, 한용덕, 당 검출용 센서와 이의 제조방법 및 이를 이용한 당화 혈색소 검출 방법, 특허, (등록) (9,897,920) (2월, 2018)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 한용덕, 실란-란탄계 착물 복합체 및 자성 입자를 이용한 형광-자성 실리카 나노입자 및 이의 제조방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2017/012989) (11월, 2017)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김재호, 한용덕, 바이오 센서용 광학 표지자, 이를 포함하는 광학 바이오센서 및 상기 바이오 센서용 광학 표지자의 제조방법, 특허, (등록) (10-1799163) (11월, 2017)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 박유민, 전형진, 한용덕, 실란-란탄계 착물 복합체 및 가교반응을 이용한 형광 실리카 나노입자 및 이의 제조방법, 특허, (등록) (10-1785052) (9월, 2017)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 전형진, 한용덕, 빛의 간섭현상을 이용한 샘플 농도 분석 장치 및 농도 분석 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-1771848) (8월, 2017)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김가람, 박유민, 전형진, 한용덕, 실란-란탄계 착물 복합체 및 가교반응을 이용한 형광 실리카 나노입자 및 이의 제조방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2017/001604) (2월, 2017)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 전형진, 한용덕, IT 기기를 이용한 생체 시료 정량 분석 장치, 특허, (등록) (10-1684051) (12월, 2016)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김재호, 한용덕, 바이오 센서용 광학 표지자, 이를 포함하는 광학 바이오센서 및 상기 바이오 센서용 광학 표지자의 제조방법, 특허, (출원) (PCT/KR2015/014532) (12월, 2015)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 김강일, 박유민, 양상식, 다중채널을 갖는 바이오센서칩의 채널제어장치, 특허, (등록) (10-1537171) (7월, 2015)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 윤재호, 한용덕, 효소작용을 이용한 전기화학적 면역센싱 바이오센서, 이를 이용한 미생물 검출방법 및 검출키트, 특허, (등록) (10-1510970) (4월, 2015)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 박유민, 장요한, 한용덕, 능삼무늬 형태의 포획자 구획을 구비한 정량적 면역크로마토그래피 분석용 검정스트립 및 이를 이용한 정량적 면역크로마토그래피 분석방법, 특허, (등록) (10-1406923) (6월, 2014)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 박유민, 유방암 암 마커 측정을 위한 항체-렉틴 샌드위치 측정 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-1391319) (4월, 2014)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 정치용, 한용덕, 유기인산계 화합물의 검출을 위한 전기화학식 바이오센서, 특허, (등록) (10-1340522) (12월, 2013)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 홍성엽, 정량분석이 가능한 측방 유동 검정 스트립, 특허, (등록) (10-1270512) (5월, 2013)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 박유민, 송승연, 한용덕, 혈색소 측정용 혈액 성분 분리 장치 및 분리 방법, 특허, (등록) (10-1233636) (2월, 2013)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 홍성엽, 혈액 전처리가 가능한 측방 유동 검정 장치, 특허, (등록) (10-1190142) (10월, 2012)
  • [특허] 윤현철, 송승연, 류준오, 안연찬, 이준황, 최용복, 보론산이 수식된 전극을 이용한 당화단백질의 전기화학적 측정방법, 특허, (등록) (10-1061601) (8월, 2011)